MacRumors reports that Apple iPad next generation will be characterized by a huge display 2048 × 1536 resolution retina. Coupled with the recent report that Engadget IPAD next one will in fact have a "super high resolution" display, and it all starts to come together. Resolution 2048 × 1536 is twice the current resolution of the current IPAD scale applications and much, much easier for developers, just as with the retina of the iPhone display on the iPhone 4. As MacRumors came to the conclusion of the new resolution 2048 × 1536, you ask? They found doubled pixel images in some applications iOS Apple, and they are exactly twice the resolution of existing icons. Also iPadx2 appointed as the files of the iPhone at a higher resolution. It will take a serious GPU power of this type of graphics, but we think that the challenge for Apple.
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